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Successfully Navigating Online Classes

Written by Jessica Armstead, SGA president, Mountain View College

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Can you believe we are starting back from spring break with our classes being 100 percent online? As an online student, I appreciate the ability to study in my pajamas and work at my own pace. Going completely online can be intimidating if you’ve never tried it, so here are a few tips that have helped me in my online classes.

  • Know the due dates
  • Communicate with your professor
  • Work on something every day
  • Stay on track
  • Utilize your resources
  • Do your best
  • Know the due dates

Know the due dates

When you know when everything is due, you are able to break the assignments into smaller pieces. Also, be sure to know what is expected from each assignment or test to ensure you are studying the correct material.

Communicate with your professor

Taking an online class typically means you do not know your professor, and your professor does not know you. Send an email asking a simple question, an example would be verifying class expectations and due dates, so you stand out and your professor can get an idea of who you are.

Work on something every day

After you write down when everything is due and break the assignments into smaller tasks, you need to create a schedule for each class. You can read assigned materials, go over notes and power points, or work on the assignments. Make sure you are working on each class you are taking daily. This will help prevent you from falling behind.

Stay on track

When you aren’t in a face to face class, it can be easy put off assignments until the last minute. You can’t do your best work when you are facing an 11:59 p.m. deadline and it’s already 9 p.m. If you stay on track with your tasks, you won’t be rushed to turn in your work.

Utilize your resources

You have the ability to ask your professor questions via email. You can email your classmates through Blackboard, create discussion boards and send videos back and forth. There are so many resources available to help if you need extra assistance. If you don’t know where to begin, ask your professors. They want to see you succeed in their class.

Do your best

You may need to take extra steps when you begin your online classes. You can have your computer read your work out loud to ensure your messages are clear and understandable. You could make a schedule — read/study for 45 minutes then take a short break until you finish the assignment or chapter. You might make flashcards to help you remember key facts and information. If you try your hardest to eliminate the obstacles, you’ll get through this. Good luck on your online classes this spring!

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