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Meet Kari, a Spring Student Blogger

Last updated on October 8, 2019

We’re excited to introduce you to one of the winners of our spring student blogger contest, Kari Hunter! She will be blogging throughout the semester about college, her classes, her future plans and more. Here’s more about Kari, in her own words:

For nearly a decade I have been “gainfully employed” as an IT project management consultant. For many of you, especially those just getting to college, that will seem like an eternity. Let me assure you, it feels like one; mainly because I’ve been doing something I am good at, but don’t actually enjoy. But what do you do when you want to change careers but aren’t sure what else you’d be good at? Or even worse, you know what you’d love to do but that change is so drastic that you’re petrified to take the leap.

Let me introduce myself. I am Kari Hunter, currently a part-time student at Richland College, while maintaining a full-time career and being a wife and mother. Though I am no stranger to college, having graduated with an MBA in 2003, this time I am taking a different approach. I’d like to experiment more with the things I truly enjoy, and see if I can turn any of it into a career that makes me feel excited to wake up every day.

Why not grad school? What drew me to community college instead? Since I already have my master’s degree, I know that graduate studies are for people who are serious about continuing in their field, and I desperately need a change of direction. Fortunately, the Dallas Community Colleges are affordable and accessible and they offer classes I’m actually interested in taking.

So, I’m taking a travel and tourism course (I love to travel), exploring an opportunity in entrepreneurship (I like to run things), and of course, doing some creative writing (it’s like a diary for people who’d rather make stuff up!). One day, if I get up the courage, I may add some vocal adrenaline to my new directions (you like what I did there?), but we’ll see.

I encourage you to step outside your comfort zone, try something new or different, even if only for a semester (or flex term). You never know where you might find passion, desire or the best hobby you never thought existed. Because it’s nice to be good at something, but phenomenal when you actually enjoy it.

Well, that’s enough for now. I look forward to sharing some of my journey with you. Ask me anything. I can’t promise I’ll give you the answer you want, but I will answer.

More Information

***Read past student blogger posts, and stay tuned for more from our spring student bloggers throughout the semester.

Published inWhy Dallas College?